                                     The User's


We'll keep this simple. The builders of pcNetwork are IT professionals with over 28 years of IT experience in networking, training, network design, network security, firewalls, encryption, and other technologies, and who have been involved with implementations and planning of these technologies for numerous Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies. As the Internet became more mainstream and users of all experience levels continue to join in the global community, our love of technology inspired us to develop this site for users of all levels to provide a single location for the majority of the needs of home and small business users looking to understand and expand their networks into an efficient and secure environment.

We do this because we couldn't find a single free source of information covering the depth of user needs. We hope you enjoy the site and are always looking at user feedback to help us refine the site to meet your collective needs.

Thank you for your visitation!

The pcNetworking Design Team

Internet Security